Friday, 20 November 2015

full moon rituals ~

The Moon - what can I say about it that you don't already feel in every essence of your being? It's effect on us (humans, animals, plants and Earth as a whole) is undeniably powerful and beautiful. The Moon represents the divine feminine - creative, intuitive, nurturing, emotional. As women, it is particularly important to be in tune with the Moon's cycles as it relates so closely to your body and your essence. It takes 28 days for the moon to complete a cycle, exactly the same as a woman's menstrual cycle.  Pay attention to your emotions, your deepest thoughts and fears, the way that your body feels as the Moon moves through the sky, ebbing and flowing ~ we are so intimately connected to this cyclic dance and it is such a joy to honour this.

The Full Moon is a time of amplified emotion, creative surges, and ultimately releasing and letting go (with gratitude!) of everything that no longer serves you. It is said that when the Moon is full in the sky it illuminates old patterns, fears and people or situations that no longer belong on our journey. The energy can often be intense and emotions can run high so I always find it to be the best time to focus on taking care of myself and setting aside quiet, alone time so that I can process what I need to do to release and move forward. Here are a few rituals that I like to honour when the Moon is full..

Full Moon Bath ~

Water is an element that is Yin (feminine) in nature and goes hand in hand with the energy of the moon. It is very cleansing and is such a beautiful ritual for releasing and 'washing away' old energy patterns and fears. I run a bath with warm water, Himalayan or Epsom salts (it is said that during the full moon phase, the body's healing capacity is at it's peak and therefore mineral absorption is optimised), flower petals and some crystals. You can choose whichever resonate with you, but Rose Quartz and Moonstone are my favourites for this time of the cycle as they emanate nurturing, loving energy. Use this quiet time to do whatever feels calming for you - whether that be meditating, deep breathing, listening to music or just relaxing in peaceful silence.

Ocean Swim/ Walk ~

I have always found that the energy at this beach feels very potent around the Full Moon, particularly around the time of sunset/ moon rise. The ocean is strongly influenced by the energy of the moon, the tides come and go with the lunar cycles and you will probably notice that it is full and swollen, high tides lapping at places where the sand is usually dry. Take some time to breathe the fresh air, dig your toes into the sand and (if weather permits!) dive into the ocean. Let the water hold you and the salt cleanse you.

Journalling ~

If you feel something rising to the surface, write it down. Get crystal clear on what it is that is worrying you or pulling you down, once you are aware you can let it go. Write down what you are ready to release, speak it out loud, burn the piece of paper, whatever feels empowering to you. This is such a powerful ritual, and for myself personally, I always feel so much more inclined to write and pour my heart out when the moon is full. The emotional, creative lunar energy encourages us to be in touch with our feminine side and to honour all of our deepest feelings!

Flower Essences ~

Flower essences are liquid extracts of the life force energy that runs through plants and flowers. They work on a vibrational level to balance our emotions and bring us back into a state of harmony and bliss. I could write about flower essences forever, they are such gentle yet powerful healers! But just briefly, for the time being, these are the three Australian Bushflower Essence blends that I tend to use around the Full Moon when I feel deeply emotional..

Calm and Clear : Just as the name suggests, assists with calming, relaxing, a peaceful state of mind.
Meditation: Deepens spiritual practice.
Purify:  To release and clear emotional baggage, repeated fears and thought patterns.

Gardening ~

As well as the grounding feeling that you will experience from sinking your hands into the Earth, tending to your garden in sync with the rhythms of the Moon is an ancient practice that will improve the vitality of your vegetables, herbs and fruit.

"The Planting Calendar is about RHYTHMS - Cosmic solar & lunar/moon rhythms and Earth rhythms. It is an aid to our conscious and purposeful participation in these rhythms.
These are rhythms that sustain all life on Earth. Biodynamic farmers strive to bring life back into the soil, so that the food produced from this living soil has increased life force/vitality/nutrition, enhancing the quality of human life.
This can be accomplished when the rhythms of our farming activities are aligned with the natural Cosmic and Earth rhythms." ~  Biodynamic Association of India.

The Full Moon phase is most suited to sowing or planting out root crops, as well as decorative or fruiting perennials. ( for example ; apples, potato, asparagus, rhubarb). It is also a good time for taking cuttings or dividing plants.
If you are based in Australia, I highly recommend Thomas Zimmer's Astrological and Moon Planting Guide - not just if you are an enthusiastic gardener, it is a wonderful resource for anyone wishing to know more about the Moon's daily rhythms. 

Crystal Cleansing ~

Placing your crystals under the moonlight (or even on your windowsill, if you wish) is a beautiful way to cleanse their energy. They (like us, and everything!) absorb negative energy from their environment, particularly if you have been using them for healing purposes.  I walk around the house with a basket collecting all of my crystals and take them outside to lay in a grid on the grass, I just let this flow and the arrangement is different every time. I then light some Palo Santo, Sage or Mugwort and gently waft the smoke over the stones. Sit with them, breathe in the fresh air, take in the beauty of the Moon.

Ultimately, all of these things are rituals that feel nourishing to me when the Moon is full , but let your heightened intuition guide you as to what feels good for yourself. You may also feel like painting, drawing or making something with the rush of lunar fuelled creative energy, spending time in nature, getting out your tarot cards or sleeping with the curtains open, moonlight on your face. Whatever you do, take a moment to honour your connection to that beautiful, glowing orb in the night sky.

P.S ~ the next Full Moon peaks on the 26th November, at 9:45am (Australian EST) , the sign it will be travelling through is GEMINI ~~~~~~


  1. Beautiful person! This is so interesting! I love these ideas and rituals; how do you track which moon is traveling, as you called it, for example Gemini? I've recently been researching moon patterns and their relationship to the body and soul and would love to know how to get more information :)

  2. Beautiful person! This is so interesting! I love these ideas and rituals; how do you track which moon is traveling, as you called it, for example Gemini? I've recently been researching moon patterns and their relationship to the body and soul and would love to know how to get more information :)

  3. Oh, I am going to enjoy reading this slowly with a cuppa (of mint Tea)
    M x

  4. This is lovely. Thankyou for sharing your lived experience and learnt knowledge! X
