Wednesday 25 November 2015

lunar breathing ~

'From a yogic perspective, the left nostril is associated with the moon and receptivity. When you breathe through the left nostril, you stimulate the part of your brain that is receptive. The result is a cooling and calming effect that helps you relax and rest. Practice left nostril breathing before bed for a restful sleep. Practice left nostril breathing if you are trying to call upon your receptive abilities to conceive a child.

Sit in a comfortable meditative posture with a straight spine. Relax your left hand in Gyan Mudra on your knee. Cover your right nostril with your right thumb and begin a slow and deep breath through your left nostril. Continue inhaling and exhaling through your left nostril. Continue breathing through your left nostril for 3 - 11 minutes. To end, inhale, suspend your breath briefly, and then relax.'

~ Hari Kaur Khalsa

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